
We export the goods to different countries like US, Europe, Japan, S. Korea, and Australia, Singapore, Thailand etc and our customers are fully satisfied with our service and rate we offer.

We deliver the goods to those people as well, who want goods from Nepal without being here. We collect the goods from manufacturer as per customer's requirement then receive funding via remmitance.


Our Bank Information

Freight Links Nepal

P. Box: 1489, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
A/C: 016-1122700


Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.

Thamel Branch
Tel: 00977-1-4218485
Swift No.:NIBL NP KT

Freight Links Nepal

P. Box: 1489, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
A/C: US $ 19021 "Ao"


Himalayan bank Ltd.

Thamel Branch
Telex: 2789 HIBA NP


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